Afterdive store




 The details of how to clean and store your drysuit between dives are described in the manual, which you should read. Some basic advice from Santi is:

  •  After each dive, clean the drysuit of dirt and rinse under fresh running water - periodically we recommend using a light detergent and a soft cleaning brush to remove larger dirt from the material
  • If the suit has become flooded on the inside, turn it inside out to dry properly
  • Before storing it for a long time, use talcum or silicone designed to protect seals and cuffs - this will prevent oxidation of the latex
  • If you have the opportunity, hang the drysuit on a wide, special hanger in a dry, dark, airy place with the zipper closed
  • If you store the drysuit folded - after drying and cleaning, fold it without pressure, so that the zipper is not bent, and store it outside the bag in a dry place.
  • Before folding the drysuit, preserve the previously cleaned zipper with the intended silicone according to the instructions.


Undersuits and heating products.

  • After each dive dry the undersuit thoroughly (from sweat or moisture), if necessary, wash it in a washing machine or by hand according to the washing recipe and dry it thoroughly
  • Store it on a special wide hanger or folded in a dry place
  • Remember to inspect, clean, dry, and properly preserve your equipment after each dive - lack of care will lead to damage and a shorter life cycle.
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